Thursday, March 31, 2005
You say Tomato, I say Kenny
I've been really disappointed with myself. I have seriously thought about spending some time creating material here, but have been at a complete loss of words for the past two weeks. Has the corporate world sucked out the creative spark in me? Have I not interacted with people enough, creating a lack of social commentary in my life? Or am I just too busy to care? I don't know. I think if I really spoke my mind on here, I'd have alot more to say. However I know things would get too inappropriate and too personal. Yes, I do enjoy my privacy to some extent, but that also doesn't necessarily mean I'm shy about things either. Far too much in this world goes unsaid, and that creates games and problems. With the right people, saying exactly what you feel creates a tighter bond and thus a more truthful relationship. So if you have something honest to say to me, you might as well go for it. I'm not going to hold it against you, and we'll work out any differences we may have. (For those of you used to alternative meanings, these statements go out to no one in particular, so don't think I'm trying to send a message out to anyone. Just be honest...that's all I'm saying...ass.) See? I found something to say: If you know me, just say what you want. You know that imaginary line, the one where someone says or does something that is considered forward or uncouth? Well, next time you're talking to me, cross it. Say something that pops in your mind that you think you shouldn't. I gurantee it will make the conversation much more interesting.
In other news, I really don't care what's going on in the world. The whole feeding tube thing doesn't even constitute valid commentary, for both the Pope and the Tomato (South Park reference), Easter came and went like every other day of the week, and I truthfully couldn't care less about Michael Jackson. Has anyone else noticed how redundant the world is? I mean we really have created a boring place here. Everything is supposedly so controversial, but its stuff we've seen already. So who cares? Oh God! Here I was thinking that it was only the entertainment industry that had run out of ideas. Now I realize that it's humanity in general. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of people doing, saying, eating, complaining, attacking, leading, and whatevering stuff that they've already dealt with. Come on people lets work on some new material here! Look, I'll start: There should be legal standards of stupidty and as soon as some idiot violates it, anyone could slap said idiot and exclaim, "You fucking idiot." Any retaliation by said idiot would be against the law.
Quick Note: Daylight savings is overrated.
I've been really disappointed with myself. I have seriously thought about spending some time creating material here, but have been at a complete loss of words for the past two weeks. Has the corporate world sucked out the creative spark in me? Have I not interacted with people enough, creating a lack of social commentary in my life? Or am I just too busy to care? I don't know. I think if I really spoke my mind on here, I'd have alot more to say. However I know things would get too inappropriate and too personal. Yes, I do enjoy my privacy to some extent, but that also doesn't necessarily mean I'm shy about things either. Far too much in this world goes unsaid, and that creates games and problems. With the right people, saying exactly what you feel creates a tighter bond and thus a more truthful relationship. So if you have something honest to say to me, you might as well go for it. I'm not going to hold it against you, and we'll work out any differences we may have. (For those of you used to alternative meanings, these statements go out to no one in particular, so don't think I'm trying to send a message out to anyone. Just be honest...that's all I'm saying...ass.) See? I found something to say: If you know me, just say what you want. You know that imaginary line, the one where someone says or does something that is considered forward or uncouth? Well, next time you're talking to me, cross it. Say something that pops in your mind that you think you shouldn't. I gurantee it will make the conversation much more interesting.
In other news, I really don't care what's going on in the world. The whole feeding tube thing doesn't even constitute valid commentary, for both the Pope and the Tomato (South Park reference), Easter came and went like every other day of the week, and I truthfully couldn't care less about Michael Jackson. Has anyone else noticed how redundant the world is? I mean we really have created a boring place here. Everything is supposedly so controversial, but its stuff we've seen already. So who cares? Oh God! Here I was thinking that it was only the entertainment industry that had run out of ideas. Now I realize that it's humanity in general. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of people doing, saying, eating, complaining, attacking, leading, and whatevering stuff that they've already dealt with. Come on people lets work on some new material here! Look, I'll start: There should be legal standards of stupidty and as soon as some idiot violates it, anyone could slap said idiot and exclaim, "You fucking idiot." Any retaliation by said idiot would be against the law.
Quick Note: Daylight savings is overrated.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I met a Nazi today
Sometimes there are those moments when the stars align, the planets stop, and a perfect joke shows itself. However, those times should not happen during a big meeting at work. Then you are stuck to chuckle to yourself and smile every time you think about it. That happened today.
Jürgen Rochert, Vice-President of Mercedes Benz Credit, came to the office today to talk about last years profits and the goals for this year. He of course is German, so immeadiatly I'm going to think of Nazi's and the things they do. It's hard not to with a guy who has a heavy German accent and is making a speech. But there were two moments when I wondered, did he say so that on purpose, or are they just hard coded in is Aryan blood. You see. we also had vistors from our Dallas call center come up here. When the office manager, Chris made reference to the large number of them, Jürgen states, in the heaviest of German accents, "Yah. It's like an invasion." Should a German man be making invasion jokes? Whatever the case, I had to contain my laughter because it was too perfect a situation not to laugh my ass off. Furthermore when he found out one of the employees drove a BMW, he jokingly exclaimed, "You, get down on the floor!" Execution style I presume?
I know I have a sick sense of humor, but how can anyone resist a situation like this. I still catch myself laughing when I think about it. And I know Pat would be balling at this moment. I guess good Nazi jokes is just another perk in this position.
QUICK NOTE: Does anyone read this anymore?
Sometimes there are those moments when the stars align, the planets stop, and a perfect joke shows itself. However, those times should not happen during a big meeting at work. Then you are stuck to chuckle to yourself and smile every time you think about it. That happened today.
Jürgen Rochert, Vice-President of Mercedes Benz Credit, came to the office today to talk about last years profits and the goals for this year. He of course is German, so immeadiatly I'm going to think of Nazi's and the things they do. It's hard not to with a guy who has a heavy German accent and is making a speech. But there were two moments when I wondered, did he say so that on purpose, or are they just hard coded in is Aryan blood. You see. we also had vistors from our Dallas call center come up here. When the office manager, Chris made reference to the large number of them, Jürgen states, in the heaviest of German accents, "Yah. It's like an invasion." Should a German man be making invasion jokes? Whatever the case, I had to contain my laughter because it was too perfect a situation not to laugh my ass off. Furthermore when he found out one of the employees drove a BMW, he jokingly exclaimed, "You, get down on the floor!" Execution style I presume?
I know I have a sick sense of humor, but how can anyone resist a situation like this. I still catch myself laughing when I think about it. And I know Pat would be balling at this moment. I guess good Nazi jokes is just another perk in this position.
QUICK NOTE: Does anyone read this anymore?
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Dead People Cereal
I remember as a child finding out that my uncle had passed away while I was eating breakfast. I was eating this puffed rice cereal and my Dad came into the kitchen to tell my sisters and I what had happened. I don't remember much after that, except that I didn't go to school that day and stayed with Christie's mom because my parents had to set up funeral arrangements. From that day on I would never go near that cereal again. The thought of it made me sick, even though I never became physically ill from it. It was soon after referred to as dead people cereal...for obvious reasons.
They say taste is one of the most powerful senses we have connected to our memories. "They" being those people who everyone quotes regardless of substantial evidence. All I do know is that smells and tastes can be far more nostalgic than a visual memory can ever be. For example, the above reference. Eating that cereal doesn't make me cry, but it makes my brain trigger that feeling, almost deja vous, that I've experienced this sensation before. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing either. The smell and taste of a Winger's Buffalo chicken sandwich and Wawa lemonade takes me back to freshman year. Sometimes you won't even go near the food or smell because of the memory it elicits. Like, Kaluha, peppermint schnapps, and cranberry juice; that was Pat's St. Patrick's Day concoction three years ago. I puked the world that night. Plus I think it was one of the first times I had gotten tipsy. Or the time I had a stomach virus and puked Campbell's chunky(er) soup. I still haven't touched that one.
My point is not green. I really just wrote that. I don't know why. ANYWAY, my point is that I could eat dead people cereal again and not feel funny. I don't know how long it's supposed to last, but taste and smell memory has to stay with you longer than any other sense. Eventually, I assume those feelings become new to us and the association disappears. Oh, and horse shit will always remind me of Villanova.
QUICK NOTE: I read this in the Villanovan online in reference to an internet outage. I felt it deserved one of my treatments:
"This wasn't the first time I've had disruptions while trying to do work. (Like fucking.) It seems like (insert expected "like" here) whenever I buckle down to get work done, this happens," senior Julie Psota said. (I procrastinate a lot, wait to the last minute to do everything, and then for the hour the network is down I complain about not being able to do my work.) "I wish that UNIT would at least let us know what happened and why it happened so that I can plan better or at least understand who or what is responsible." (Why does knowing that do anything? It's not like you can plan on it? Oh wait, that's right. It's so you can justify not doing work accurately when you come to class the next day with a hang over. How stupid of me.)
I remember as a child finding out that my uncle had passed away while I was eating breakfast. I was eating this puffed rice cereal and my Dad came into the kitchen to tell my sisters and I what had happened. I don't remember much after that, except that I didn't go to school that day and stayed with Christie's mom because my parents had to set up funeral arrangements. From that day on I would never go near that cereal again. The thought of it made me sick, even though I never became physically ill from it. It was soon after referred to as dead people cereal...for obvious reasons.
They say taste is one of the most powerful senses we have connected to our memories. "They" being those people who everyone quotes regardless of substantial evidence. All I do know is that smells and tastes can be far more nostalgic than a visual memory can ever be. For example, the above reference. Eating that cereal doesn't make me cry, but it makes my brain trigger that feeling, almost deja vous, that I've experienced this sensation before. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing either. The smell and taste of a Winger's Buffalo chicken sandwich and Wawa lemonade takes me back to freshman year. Sometimes you won't even go near the food or smell because of the memory it elicits. Like, Kaluha, peppermint schnapps, and cranberry juice; that was Pat's St. Patrick's Day concoction three years ago. I puked the world that night. Plus I think it was one of the first times I had gotten tipsy. Or the time I had a stomach virus and puked Campbell's chunky(er) soup. I still haven't touched that one.
My point is not green. I really just wrote that. I don't know why. ANYWAY, my point is that I could eat dead people cereal again and not feel funny. I don't know how long it's supposed to last, but taste and smell memory has to stay with you longer than any other sense. Eventually, I assume those feelings become new to us and the association disappears. Oh, and horse shit will always remind me of Villanova.
QUICK NOTE: I read this in the Villanovan online in reference to an internet outage. I felt it deserved one of my treatments:
"This wasn't the first time I've had disruptions while trying to do work. (Like fucking.) It seems like (insert expected "like" here) whenever I buckle down to get work done, this happens," senior Julie Psota said. (I procrastinate a lot, wait to the last minute to do everything, and then for the hour the network is down I complain about not being able to do my work.) "I wish that UNIT would at least let us know what happened and why it happened so that I can plan better or at least understand who or what is responsible." (Why does knowing that do anything? It's not like you can plan on it? Oh wait, that's right. It's so you can justify not doing work accurately when you come to class the next day with a hang over. How stupid of me.)
Friday, March 11, 2005
George Lucas is a fat plaid wearing bearded bastard
I'm not going to get my hopes up. I refuse to allow myself to be taken in. Not after the last two times. All I know is everytime I give it an ounce of faith, it ends up sucking more than I thought.
I think it was only a matter of time before I mentioned something Star Wars here. I mean I was close to being a full on Star Wars geek four years ago (I never dressed up, so I saved myself from geekdom in that respect.) That doesn't mean that I still don't enjoy the movies. The pull of course lies in the whole sci-fi genre, however the story arch is the true meat of the trilogy. General opinion is that the latest two movies just plain sucked. And it's not that they are overwrought with effects, its that they lack substantial dialogue and emotion. I will say that the second one was miles better than the first, but still lacked anything close to the old ones. For the final episode, I vowed to stay blacked out on knowing things. I would go into the movie if at all with little knowledge of what's going to happen so that the movie would at least have some unpredictability. There are volumes on the internet concerning these movies, and you can pretty much know the plot before you see it. However I just haven't paid attention to this one. Not withstanding I've pretty much written it off as a piece of junk already. But the new trailer premiered last night with "The O.C." Why the OC? I have no friggin clue. I doubt guys my wait, guys at all are watching that terrible show. Plus, we all knewthat if we just put the TV on at 8:55, we wouldn't miss a thing. So I did. When the first trailer came out, I knew exactly what it was. Lots of clips, famous faces and random dialogue and sound effects. It did exactly what it's supposed to: tease us into wanting to knwo more. It was cool. The second longer trailer usually focuses more on plot, and this one did.
Unfortunately, I have to say that the movie could be good. Now don't get me wrong here, this isn't my stamp of approval, I have been steered wrong too many times by George Lucas to forget his past tansgressions, but he said it himself, or will in a "60 minutes" interview this weekend, that this movie will probably get a PG-13 rating due to violence. And the movie does seem to be going that way. It will probably be more violent, not Jesus violent, but nothing like we've seen here before. The only way to support that violence is to darken the mood; People can't die and then be happy. That's the problem with the first one. And the other way to support that violence is the use of dialogue and suspense to build up to moments of sheer loss and tragedy. That's the problem with the second one. I think the problem with the previous movies has been that the Star Wars universe was never meant to be a happy place. The organic clean lines of everything in the first two movies just never seemed to fit into place. This movie sets out to completely destroy that universe. That's why everyone and everything is so scarred in the first trilogy. To actually see that happen is what can possibly make this movie good. To actually erase the memory of those movies is what we all want, isn't it?
This movie has the potential to redeem the whole while at the same time destroy something that is a part of the story. Actually, that's where the plot of Star Wars goes really. If you look at the larger story arch of Darth Vader, we can come to the conclusion that the only way to stop the utter destruction of a way of life and redeem it, is to make big sacrifices along the way. Sometimes that means destryoing a part of something so that the rest eventually survives in some way.
QUICK NOTE: I'm a geek just for spendning this much time talking about a trailer.
I'm not going to get my hopes up. I refuse to allow myself to be taken in. Not after the last two times. All I know is everytime I give it an ounce of faith, it ends up sucking more than I thought.
I think it was only a matter of time before I mentioned something Star Wars here. I mean I was close to being a full on Star Wars geek four years ago (I never dressed up, so I saved myself from geekdom in that respect.) That doesn't mean that I still don't enjoy the movies. The pull of course lies in the whole sci-fi genre, however the story arch is the true meat of the trilogy. General opinion is that the latest two movies just plain sucked. And it's not that they are overwrought with effects, its that they lack substantial dialogue and emotion. I will say that the second one was miles better than the first, but still lacked anything close to the old ones. For the final episode, I vowed to stay blacked out on knowing things. I would go into the movie if at all with little knowledge of what's going to happen so that the movie would at least have some unpredictability. There are volumes on the internet concerning these movies, and you can pretty much know the plot before you see it. However I just haven't paid attention to this one. Not withstanding I've pretty much written it off as a piece of junk already. But the new trailer premiered last night with "The O.C." Why the OC? I have no friggin clue. I doubt guys my wait, guys at all are watching that terrible show. Plus, we all knewthat if we just put the TV on at 8:55, we wouldn't miss a thing. So I did. When the first trailer came out, I knew exactly what it was. Lots of clips, famous faces and random dialogue and sound effects. It did exactly what it's supposed to: tease us into wanting to knwo more. It was cool. The second longer trailer usually focuses more on plot, and this one did.
Unfortunately, I have to say that the movie could be good. Now don't get me wrong here, this isn't my stamp of approval, I have been steered wrong too many times by George Lucas to forget his past tansgressions, but he said it himself, or will in a "60 minutes" interview this weekend, that this movie will probably get a PG-13 rating due to violence. And the movie does seem to be going that way. It will probably be more violent, not Jesus violent, but nothing like we've seen here before. The only way to support that violence is to darken the mood; People can't die and then be happy. That's the problem with the first one. And the other way to support that violence is the use of dialogue and suspense to build up to moments of sheer loss and tragedy. That's the problem with the second one. I think the problem with the previous movies has been that the Star Wars universe was never meant to be a happy place. The organic clean lines of everything in the first two movies just never seemed to fit into place. This movie sets out to completely destroy that universe. That's why everyone and everything is so scarred in the first trilogy. To actually see that happen is what can possibly make this movie good. To actually erase the memory of those movies is what we all want, isn't it?
This movie has the potential to redeem the whole while at the same time destroy something that is a part of the story. Actually, that's where the plot of Star Wars goes really. If you look at the larger story arch of Darth Vader, we can come to the conclusion that the only way to stop the utter destruction of a way of life and redeem it, is to make big sacrifices along the way. Sometimes that means destryoing a part of something so that the rest eventually survives in some way.
QUICK NOTE: I'm a geek just for spendning this much time talking about a trailer.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Creative Writing
I was just browsing through last nights post and I realized how disjointed it was. Was I high or something? Further investigating also lead me to a plethora of hideous grammar that riddles all postings on my Blog. Why is this so? I don't think I'm a stupid person, and have no problems putting together a coherent sentence. But when I write, I don't think, so I don't pay attention to the rules of grammar. Writing is a stream of conciousness for me. That conciousness happens to mess up words now and again. I have thought about going back and fixing these errors, but I have opted to leave things as the author prefers them...human. This is me unadulterated and uncensored, which happens to include my terrible writing skills; and a little nudity for the lucky ones.
QUICK NOTE: What is the beginning of everything, the end of time, and is twice in a week?
I was just browsing through last nights post and I realized how disjointed it was. Was I high or something? Further investigating also lead me to a plethora of hideous grammar that riddles all postings on my Blog. Why is this so? I don't think I'm a stupid person, and have no problems putting together a coherent sentence. But when I write, I don't think, so I don't pay attention to the rules of grammar. Writing is a stream of conciousness for me. That conciousness happens to mess up words now and again. I have thought about going back and fixing these errors, but I have opted to leave things as the author prefers them...human. This is me unadulterated and uncensored, which happens to include my terrible writing skills; and a little nudity for the lucky ones.
QUICK NOTE: What is the beginning of everything, the end of time, and is twice in a week?
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