
Thursday, March 31, 2005

You say Tomato, I say Kenny
I've been really disappointed with myself. I have seriously thought about spending some time creating material here, but have been at a complete loss of words for the past two weeks. Has the corporate world sucked out the creative spark in me? Have I not interacted with people enough, creating a lack of social commentary in my life? Or am I just too busy to care? I don't know. I think if I really spoke my mind on here, I'd have alot more to say. However I know things would get too inappropriate and too personal. Yes, I do enjoy my privacy to some extent, but that also doesn't necessarily mean I'm shy about things either. Far too much in this world goes unsaid, and that creates games and problems. With the right people, saying exactly what you feel creates a tighter bond and thus a more truthful relationship. So if you have something honest to say to me, you might as well go for it. I'm not going to hold it against you, and we'll work out any differences we may have. (For those of you used to alternative meanings, these statements go out to no one in particular, so don't think I'm trying to send a message out to anyone. Just be honest...that's all I'm saying...ass.) See? I found something to say: If you know me, just say what you want. You know that imaginary line, the one where someone says or does something that is considered forward or uncouth? Well, next time you're talking to me, cross it. Say something that pops in your mind that you think you shouldn't. I gurantee it will make the conversation much more interesting.

In other news, I really don't care what's going on in the world. The whole feeding tube thing doesn't even constitute valid commentary, for both the Pope and the Tomato (South Park reference), Easter came and went like every other day of the week, and I truthfully couldn't care less about Michael Jackson. Has anyone else noticed how redundant the world is? I mean we really have created a boring place here. Everything is supposedly so controversial, but its stuff we've seen already. So who cares? Oh God! Here I was thinking that it was only the entertainment industry that had run out of ideas. Now I realize that it's humanity in general. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of people doing, saying, eating, complaining, attacking, leading, and whatevering stuff that they've already dealt with. Come on people lets work on some new material here! Look, I'll start: There should be legal standards of stupidty and as soon as some idiot violates it, anyone could slap said idiot and exclaim, "You fucking idiot." Any retaliation by said idiot would be against the law.

Quick Note: Daylight savings is overrated.

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