
Friday, September 01, 2006

like I wrote every note with my own finger
Civilization just keeps getting worse and worse. Here in Philly we get to celebrate our 261st homicide, thanks to a waste of space mayor and the flimsy gun laws. We also get to celebrate the death of a neo-tradition down here.

Much to my chagrin, but predictably so, another radio station has bit the dust. Sunny 104.5, home of wholesome good time music from all decades has ceased to exist. Sunny joins the ranks of other great radio stations cut down in their prime: 96.5 the Point, Mix 95.7, Y100, KROCK, 101.1 CBS FM. You probably are assuming that "some rap station" replaced it. Usually you'd be 50% right. Most of these channels went rap. Some of them went to that dumb IPOD like format, where someone just pressed shuffle on a not so good playlist; yeah, that's successful. Breaking the trend, Sunny 104.5 is now Rumba 104.5. A Latino channel. Now correct me if I'm wrong but there are about 12 Latinos in the Philly area. Why do they need a station? If this were New York I understand. Every other station is now Latino in New York. I guess there is such thing as too many rap channels. Although the people down here would probably disagree.

The greater ramifications of this move is the death of really really really early Xhristmas music. Sunny has a long standing tradition of playing Xhristmas music as early as the first week of November. I've spoken about it at least twice here, and now that I'm finally back in the area I don't even get to enjoy it. Luckily satellite radio rocks. I don't know what FM is doing, but if they keep creating crap channels, everyone will have no problem shelling out 12 bucks a month for commercial free radio. Sirius has a Xhristmas channel. While it may not start as early as November 1st, it still does the job.

In the meantime I've been getting my local enjoyment from the blustery cool days we've been having here. As you know, we will be embarking on the greatest season of them all pretty soon, so I'm hoping that this is a sign of things to come. None of that random week of 80 degree temperatures. Summer had its chance and can't make another try. Sorry summer, see ya next year...douche bag.

QUICK NOTE: UPenn has a very nice campus. It's well treed, has an unorthodox amalgamation of building styles, and has a bridge so people don't get run over on 39th street. A welcome change from trying to cross the death highway that is Lancasster Ave. Unfortunately, it seems they too have a wretched infestation...of bitches. For in my brief walk through the campus this afternoon I encountered far too many orange, cell phone wielding, ugly clothes wearing animals. That and the bitch smell seemed to emanate directly from the campus itself. Is any university safe from this horror?

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