
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

overdue nova post
I think it is a necessity to update from school. Whether once a year or barely even that, there exists some novelty of sitting in this god awful library typing away as if I procrastinated a term paper. As usual things are mostly the same here. As previously noted, the enormous front desk still exists, taking up most of the entrance way. There are new computers, DELL, obviously chosen for their hip design and modularness. And of course as I sit here and peer over the top of my trendy LCD monitor I see two annoying students, decked out in their usual Villanova wear, yammering away about absolutely nothing. God only knows what group requires them to be here over Xhristmas break. My guess is a sorority. I think that’s apparent enough.

Shockingly, and I'm going to assume without a full understanding of the ramifications, I was still able to log on to the system, as if I were still a student here. More surprisingly, my student hard drive still existed on the network, filled with Computer Science programs from Freshman and Sophomore year. Should that be? I mean with a total of 200GB of free space available, could you imagine the crap I could hide here? I mean I seriously can save my entire hard drive from home on to this network drive. Then, ten years later come to this very same library and access it as if I had never left. That just doesn't seem right to me. Important documents, blackmail files, government mandates...they all could be hidden here without anyone knowing. Say they've been doing this since 2000: that means that there are at least four graduated classes of information spread across the network here! Who pays for all that storage? And I thought the fact that my email still worked was costing them a fortune. Little did I know. I'm sure the almost $40,000 a year tuition helps.

All and all this place does bring back some fond memories. It's really at its best when there are no students here. Then I get to appreciate the campus for what it is...and what it isn't. Oh and by the way, that enormous greenhouse they spent two years building looks like ass. Oh here's a bright idea: let's attach a giant metal and glass structure to a stone building. That's aesthetically pleasing. It looks like a tumor of technology. Assholes.

QUICK NOTE: I think they've said "Oh My God" at least 20 times. And they're definitely looking at clothes. Surprise, surprise villanova.

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