
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Manly Post
There are three things in my life that I do in excess: Eat, Drive, and Sex.

1. Eat
I know what you're going to say: "Tom! You lost all that weight, what do you mean you like to eat in excess?" Things are different now. I eat because I'm hungry...all the TIME! If you know me, I think I could eat anytime of the day. For example, I think I snack with meals at least six times a day. Now, they say that's a good thing and I tend to agree. Not because I'm trying to be healthy, but because eating something every 2 hours satisfies me more than would 3 times a day. Now it is true that I don't each junk. For example let's talk about today's feast. I started the morning with two lo-carb waffles, got into work had a morning snack of a banana, munched on like 5 or 6 nachos before lunch, had a turkey sandwich for lunch, ate some Stallone pudding (which is a whole other entry), munched on a couple more nachos, have peppers and eggs for dinner, and then maybe a snack later. So obviously I'm eating all day, but my major meals are mostly protein and fiber. Snacks, minus the couple of nachos I had today, are usually high in protein. And I don't think I usually eat much with real sugar in it. Except maybe trail mix, but its minimal. How do I keep it off? Working out. I lift everyday, and now that the weather is getting better, I'll start running again. So if anyone ever wants to eat, call me.

2. Drive
I got the Jeep at the end of December. Since then, I've put 11,000 miles on it. That's only in 4 months. So I think it's fair to say I drive a lot. Why? Well a lot has to do with work. Round trip, my commute is 80 miles, so there's 6,400 miles in 4 months to work. Not to mention all the trips I do to Albany, and Philly. Not to mention the random trips I've made to Vermont, Saratoga Springs, and points else where. If it's a weekend, I'm in my car going somewhere. This is why I want a new car. I spend so much time there, it's almost like I'd be paying rent for a moving home. A car is as important to me as someone's apartment may be, because it's just as much a home as my own room is. Especially when you spend so much time in it.

3. Sex
Is wrong to want to have sex all the time? I don't think so. My mantra is that sex is a lot like breathing: anytime, anywhere. Why my libido is on 24/7 overdrive all the time I don't know? It's not like I say "Hmmmm, ya know what would go well with these eggs? Poon tang." No, not at all. Let's just say I like having sex a lot, and it takes a lot to keep me satisfied. It helps when you're in love with a sex goddess who never ceases to amaze you.

There, those are my manly facts. Obviously I like doing things frequently, with a lot of repetition, and for long amounts of time.

Quick Note: I test drove "the car" this weekend. Did I mention ever that I really want it?

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