
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Just because I like you
There are times when I actually have nothing to do. When I'm not running around an office, yelling at dealers for their incompetent. When I'm not sitting in a car traveling great distance for good reason. When I'm not running an errand or two or ten for myself or for my family. Usually those times when I'm not doing anything, I'm spending time with Erika. I find it's the only thing I want to do when I stop to take a breathe. But there are times like tonight, when we are both doing nothing, but distance keeps us apart and I'm left to my own devices.

At this point, when I've been working for 2 months, I've already gotten myself into a schedule. Get up at 6:15, drive to work, work till 6:30, sometimes 7:00 for the overtime, come home, workout, eat, shower, sometimes go out, adultswim, sleep. I mean it's like clockwork. I've always been my best when it comes to schedules. I'm a disciplined person when it comes to my daily life and that's the way I've always liked it. Everything that isn't day to day however is spontaneous and crazy and unexpected. This I like too. And I can only attribute this to Erika.

I was going to delve into a deep understanding of personal character and relationship, but I just deleted it. It's something that should be figured out on one's own. However, all I have to say is that there is an aspect of all of us that knows exactly what it wants. The reason why it's not easy for us to achieve happiness is because as humans we are skeptical to believe anything that is so true and pure. We rather listen to society and popular opinion because it is something flawed and therefore real to us. When we let go and forget what anyone else has to say and just act as we know we begin materializing actions that put us on the road to bliss. In other words, just stop thinking about things and do what you want. You know what you want, you just don't want to know it.

Now I'm not going to say cheesy things. Cheese is just a filler to make things taste better. However, what I will say is that I never knew that what I wanted could come so easily, until someone like her made the world such a simple place to live. For this and so much more do I love her.

QUICK NOTE: I still hate everyone else.

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