
Saturday, October 30, 2004

Brief Conversations
Sitting with Sean last night in Johnny Rockets in Hoboken, I came up with something. Sean had paid his check and I had just paid mine when he began to get up. I told him to wait because I wasn't done with my apple pie; a small but substantial piece remained on my plate. I explained to him that I went into that slice of pie with the intention and objective of doing what was best for the pie. In this case it was eating it. The only correct exit strategy for this apple pie was to completely finish it. Leaving any remaining crumbs or residue would mean that I failed my objective and the slice would be left in ruins on my plate. That's not fair to the pie or the people who made it. I mean even if I didn't like the pie, I would still finish it because its something that you just have to do. No pie is bad enough that you can't finish it. I knew this when I ordered the pie and that's what made it such a successful and rewarding experience. Who knew pie could be so complicated? Oh, and does it help if there was an American flag stuck through the middle?

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