
Thursday, September 18, 2003

Meditation Spot
I was on campus last night. I visited my meditation place. It was quite the relaxing thing. It has certainly been a while. I don't go there during the day because there are just too many people around on campus during that time. At night it's just me and the stars. I also borrowed a Tao book from Beth. While I'm not turning my back on Catholicism, I'm looking at it as a philosophy on life. A way to further search myself and strengthen my chi. Yeah I wish I knew what that meant, but soon I will. Anyway, the mediation place isn't for only when there is something on my mind. I have nothing on my mind that requires deep thought at the moment. I stopped thinking a long time ago, and it's paying off very well. So I just go and delve into my deepest areas. Do some spring cleaning, rearrange the mind, and just enjoy being alive...and Banana Pudding (more on that some other time.)

I am definitely fed up with education. I mean the professors don't try much anymore. Its always read, read, talk, talk, read, read, talk, talk, MIDTERM, read, talk, FINAL. And it's the same thing over and over again. The material loses any value cause you're just forced fed it. And I hate routine. Education has become a routine. One that costs me and my parents money; too much money. Going to grad school? Nahh! I can't bear to be dirt poor anymore. Villanova, you sell out, I am so done with you. If I didn't have to get a cheap piece of paper from you in May I would so be out of this right now. Yeah I'll miss some of the people, but we all need to move on. Change is good. But now I return to my painting and my Vivaldi. I suggest you try it sometime.

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